Fundulopanchax amieti 'C 89-31'
Described by:
A.C. Radda 1976
Location code:
C 89-31 (sometimes it’s ‘Edea-Yaounde km 18, C 89-31’ as location
code) Length: 7 cmType of killies: semi annual
Breeding Temperature in the aquarium: 20-23 C Remarks: How we keep them: We keep theme either as one pair in a 30 liters aquarium or several pairs in a 90 liters aquarium. The water have a hardness at 7 gH and 7 pH, the temperature is 20-23 C depending on the temperature outdoors. There is an air driven "Hamburg Mat Filter" on one of the sides of the aquarium. The plants are floating hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) and there are also some rams horns snails (Planorbarius corneus) and if we are not planning to collect eggs, we also have one or two Ancistrus sp. in the aquarium The best food they could get is of course live food as white mosquito larva or something like that, but when we don’t have access to live food the adults got newly hatched artemia 2-3 times every week, flake food (Sera San) one time every day and the day before water changes (once a week) they get homemade mix of green peas and whole shrimps. When I find fry in the adults aquarium I give them newly hatched artemia every day. When I want to collect eggs from them, they got a small plastic box with fiber peat, with a small stone in the plastic box to keep it on the bottom of the aquarium. Normally I collect the peat every week when I do the ordinary water changes. The collected peat with eggs are spread on a newspaper for some hour before I put the peat in a small plastic box and places it in a drawer for 6 weeks. When it’s time to hatch the eggs I take water from one of our aquariums with cichlids to get water with good quality. It normally takes 1-4 hours before all eggs has hatched. The fry are big enough to eat newly hatched artemia at once but I always give them some Sera Micron or vinegar micro the first days, to make sure all fry get some food. In the small box I have some Hyalella azteca, the adult Hyalella helps to keep the small box clean and they are producing “Hyalella babies” for the fry to eat. I also have some java fern and najas in the box. After one week I move the fry to an aquarium, how big depends on how many fry there are and what aquarium is empty at the time. They are growing relatively quickly and after about 6 weeks I can see males and females.
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