We usually have some live food starter sets, plants and sometimes other stuff for sale.
This is what we can offer at the moment.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

At the bottom of the page there's a contact form where you can reach us.

Startup culture Live food For sale at the  moment?  
Moina (Daphnia that you cultivate indoors)    
Startup culture Yes  
Hyalella azteca (small fresh water shrimps)    
Startup culture Yes  
Hyalella azteca    




Vinegar eels (for small fries)    
Startup culture Yes  
Fruit flies "large" (for fishes and frogs)    
Culture Yes  
Fruit flies "small" (for fishes and frogs)    
Culture Yes  
Springtails (for fishes and frogs)    
Startup culture Yes  
Aquarium plants    
Ceratophyllum demersum Yes  

Fill in the form if you have any questions about "breed yourself" live food or plants and send it to Alf and Anita!


Form by thesitewizard.com

Page updated 2017-07-15

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